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【紙版】コンバーテック9月号 17日発行予定
【デジタル版】コンバーテック9月号 17日発行予定

トップ > ●英字誌「CONVERTECH International」 > 2017年 > Convertech International March / April 2017

Convertech International March / April 2017


Determining the Relationship Between
Advanced Bar Coater Potential and Viscosity Through Testing (Part 2)
Tsuneo Tate, Ryo Tomura, Shuya Yokota

Application of EB Printing and Coating to the Printing Field
and an Introduction to the Compact EB Laboratory Unit
Taro Takei, EB Application Development & Equipment Sales Section,
Applied Optics Business Division, IWASAKI ELECTRIC CO., LTD.

Developing a Novel Epoxy Monolith
Bonding Method for Dissimilar Materials
Akikazu Matsumoto

Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering
Osaka Prefecture University

The Potential of PMS Treatment
for Joining Dissimilar Materials : Metals and Polymers
Tomohiro Maeda, Kisoh Co., Ltd.

Focus On..

Inkjet Flexible Packaging Printing Unit Awes Crowds at Covertech JAPAN

Returning to a Focus on Extrusion Laminators and
Targeting the Southeast Asian and US Flexible Packaging Markets
Musashino Kikai Co., Ltd.

NEDO Celebrates the 25th Anniversary of CNT,
a Carbon Nanomaterial From Japan
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)

New Two-step, Energy-efficient
CFRP Regenerating Method Reduces the Cost of CFRP Products
Carbon Fiber Recycle Industry co. ltd. / Gifu University

Developing Cheaper Nonwoven Fabrics Using Recycled Carbon Fiber

Packaging Makes Life a Little More Pleasant
Japan Packaging Contest 2016

The Latest in Packaging Material Reduction, Improved Oxygen
Scavenging, Digital Post-printing Processes, and Retort Materials
Japan Food Packaging Association

New High Brightness Metalized Paper
Eliminates the Need for Anchor Coating in Digital Printing
BF & Package Co., Ltd.

FUJIFILM's Comprehensive Inkjet Technology
Allows for High-speed Nonwoven and Water-based Flexible Film Printing
FUJIFILM Global Graphic Systems Co., Ltd.

Short-run Pouch Printing, Blister Pack Replacement Packages,
CO2 Emissions Reduction, Oxygen Barrier Adhesives
Flexible Packaging Hygiene Association Technology Seminar

Printing Ultra-thin Makeup Sheets With OLED Inkjet Technology
Panasonic Corporation

Standardizing Understandability of Printed Information
to Improve Consumer Satisfaction and Safety

Digital Holograms Recreate Life-like 3D Images
Without the Need for Special Glasses
Faculty of Engineering Science, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Kansai University

Establishing a Southeast Asian Production Site and Securing the Supply Chain for Evolue With a New 300,000 Ton Plant in Singapore
Prime Polymer Co., Ltd.

Automating Multilingual Tourist Site Information
With Environmentally Friendly Beacon Technology
NEDO, Realize Mobile Communications Corp., Hitachi, Ltd., Cyber Creative Institute Co. Ltd.

Analyzing the Odor Causing Substances That Compose Complex Scents
Technology Research Institute of Osaka Prefecture

Developing O-rings That Withstand Hydrogen
at -40?C and 70 MPa for FCV Refueling Stations
Takaishi Industry Co., Ltd.


Basic Course on Instrumentation and Control in the Converting Process, Session 36
Yoshihiko Ohta

Introduction to Flexible & Printable Electronics, Session33
Roll-to-roll Production Methods: 7
Dominique K. Numakura

Plastic Surface Decoration Technology
Chapter 2: Decoration Technology Details 6, Session 7
Shohei Masui

Basic Course on Water-based Flexo Film Printing, Session 6
Fumio Ito

Release Paper
Part 7: The Peel Strength-Speed Curve and Future Issues in Fundamental PSA Adhesion and Release Research, Session 14
Tomishi Shibano

Coating Theory and Phenomenon for the Plant, Chapter 3, Session 5
Adhesion Mechanism and Interface Part 4
Professor Akira Kawai

Rubber PSA and Acrylic PSA
PSA and Cutting-edge PSA Applications, Session 2
Toshio Sugizaki

価格 : 3,300円(税込)

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